Saturday, January 30, 2010

AliSara Authentic Thai Cuisine

Meletup nasi goreng belacan nie.. sedap sangat.. 私わ アリサラ の ごはん goreng belacan だいすきです watashiwa Alisara no gohan goreng belacan dai suki desu.. 7 stars ..My friend , kak suzi suggested this restaurant during the last school holiday.. It's quite expensive..forgot the price, around RM8.00 per plate.. The owner is Thai citizen .. so all the meals are pure Thai taste :) .. But I don't like the tomyam .. my tongue prefer tomyam at Kem Tentera Kinrara .. Oh ya, somtam serves with chicken wings also delicious :) my 1st experience ,eating somtam .. usually I love to order kerabu mangga whenever I eat Thai cuisine :) the restaurant is somewhere at Puchong Intan .. From the junction , u can see mosque on ur right, go straight until u find the roundabout, take 3 o'clock , go straight until u see the petrol station on ur right, there is T-junction on ur left,opposite site , turn left .. AliSara Authentic Thai Cuisine is situated at the end lot of 1st row shops ..

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